
Afflatus: A divine creative impulse or inspiration.

This summer, I am working with my twin girls to get wicked crafty! 

We are looking to spend less time on electronic devices or binging on streaming series and instead engage with our hands, minds, and hearts.  As the girls and I turn our attention to our work, time slows down and we can enjoy the process of creating and connecting while producing tangible milestones of these experiences.

New, modernized Curious Red Designs Logo

Thinking about expanding our community and interests beyond the three of us, we created Curious Red Designs.  This is a virtual place for us to share our creative endeavors in hopes they might inspire others, or maybe turn this into a side hustle for our makings (Mila is eager to earn money to buy, of all things, a snake!).  Under Kevin’s creative direction, we created the fun logo below that we feel reflects vision, connectivity, and wonder. 

Mila has been joining me in creating micro-mosaics using Ave’s epoxy sculpt to blend glass seed beads, metal findings, and to up-cycle discarded/vintage jewelry pieces.  Freya has been enjoying needle-felting magical, wool critters and is setting up the family sewing machine and serger in her room to start making bands, hair ties, and clothing. 

If you are interested in making, collaging, and assembling this is great resource about glues and adhesives.  Feel free to reach out to me if you are seeking to help jump start your own makings or want to collaborate on some ideas.

Also, If curious, check us on out instagram at   If you see anything you like or are interested in commissioning something just for you let us know — we’re up for the challenge!!!!

Finally, if you are local to the DMV we will have a table at the annual Tenleytown DC Art All Night event in late September to show our work, sell our goodies, and connect with fabulous folks like you!


Urban Alarm


Living an Intentional Life